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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Need For Speed Carbon System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2006-11-08 13:49:33 Views : 29590 Easier Speedtrap races Activate your Blocker/Brawler before the race. While racing and you are coming up to a speed trap, stop your Blocker/Brawler. This will crash the other car(s), and drastically slow down their time. Remember that the peak Blocker/Brawler moment is just before the speed trap. Easy wins In races where crew members are used, used a scout (Yumi if possible). If you do not win the race, your scout will. Unlockable collectors edition cars Complete the following events in the Challenge Series to unlock the corresponding car.
Speedtrap races Activate your Blocker/Brawler before the race. While racing and you are coming up to a speed trap, press Y. Your Blocker/Brawler will stop, crash the other car(s), and drastically slow down their time. Remember that the peak Blocker/Brawler moment is just before the speed trap. Unlocking crew members You need a crew to help you out, but you have to do things to get their attention:
More money Have a saved game file from Need for Speed: Most Wanted on your hard drive for a $10,000 bonus when you start career mode. Unlock the Burnout vinyl Have a saved game file from Burnout Revenge on your hard drive to unlock the Burnout vinyl in the bonus section of the vinyls. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Need For Speed Carbon cheat codes.
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